in danger of nonpayment - industrial premises
- in kind
- in law
- in law and in fact
- in legal contemplation
- in line with the market
- in litteris
- in long run
- in lots
- in money terms
- in multiples of...
- in my judgment
- in my opinion
- in one's discretion
- in one's private capacity
- in open court
- in outline
- in pais
- in pari delicto
- in payment difficulties
- in personam
- in physical terms
- in play
- in prejudice
- in principio
- in process of construction
- in process of training
- in pursuance
- in re
- in rem
- in round number
- in running order
- in russian rubles
- In Search of Excellence
- In Search of Stupidity
- in situ
- in solicitors' hands
- in specie
- in splite of
- in stock
- in strict rotation